It was a very early morning wake up for this Montréaler today, I absolutely wanted to catch the 8th GamiFOREST coffee talk at half past noon Helsinki time. The speaker, Ferran Altarriba Bertran, navigates the worlds of human computer interaction (HCI) from various perspectives, from sustainability, food and now, design methods for outdoor activities. The… Continue reading Playing outside: from-the-wild design method
Category: Design
Handheld video games in prison
Here is a YouTube video (18 minutes) about a prison issued handheld vide game console. Interesting how games are selected and how the devices are designed.
Modchips in Pakistan
Enjoyed this mini-doc about the modchip scene in Pakistan :
Documenting game design
This interesting article just popped on my radar screen: Rilla Khaled, Jonathan Lessard, and Pippin Barr. 2018. Documenting trajectories in design space: a methodology for applied game design research. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 27, 1–10.… Continue reading Documenting game design
Porting retro games: M2
As part of my exploration to better understand how games can be preserved and made accessible through play, I have been using the Youtube platform to explore the variety of channels related to video games culture. Retro gaming focused channels have been a specific way of looking at the topic of preservation and accessibility… Continue reading Porting retro games: M2
This just in: open access ebook on game development
Sometimes, all it takes is a quick email, brief and pragmatic, to open the floodgates wide open. That is how Henrik Engström, professor of Informatics of University of Skövde’s (Sweden) Division of game development, announced his new open access ebook on game development : I would like to announce a new book on game development… Continue reading This just in: open access ebook on game development